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Animal Removal

The city no Longer performs animal capture services. Stray dogs or cats, etc. should be referred to the Milwaukee Area Domestica Animal Control Commission (MADACC).  If the caller knows the address of owner of the dog at large and wants to make a complaint, DNS can investigate and may issue an "At large" citation. Complainants can request confidentially but no action will be taken on anonymous complaints. All requests for capture of nuisance animals such as skunks, raccoons, etc. should be referred to an animal control service or pest control service. 

Dead Animals
Dead animals, including road kill, are picked up by DPW Sanitation either at the curb, in street or wrapped in plastic and placed in cart (s. 78-21). Call the Cityof Milwaukee Call Center at (414) 286-CITY (2489).

Wildlife must be taken care of by a State DNR licensed wildlife exterminator. Skunks and nuisance raccoons are the most common problems. Nuisance raccoons are raccoons that are causing structural damage to the property. It is the responsibility of the person/company using the trap to make sure no animal dies in the trap. 


City of Milwaukee Department of Administration Director Sharon Robinson 

 Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:45 PM

 Zeidler Municipal Building, 841 N. Broadway, Room 105, Milwaukee, WI 53202

 Lake Tower, 4001 S. 6th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53221



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