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Water Treatment Solicitors

Frequently, private water treatment companies that are not associated with the Milwaukee Water Works will go door-to-door in our service area, offering to test the tap water. 

You are not required to have your water tested. This may be offered to you as a free service, but solicitors often seek to sell you an expensive whole-house water treatment system or other unnecessary products.

MARCH 2023: C&P Clearwater Alert:                             

Water Works begain receiving calls about individuals claiming to be from a company called C&P Clearwater who visiting people at their homes on the south side and aggressively seeking entry to properties, saying they want to perform a water quality test, and claiming that neighbors are complaing about water quality. These are NOT Water Works employees or contractors, and you do NOT need to let them into your home. 

Residentes del lado Sur, estén en alerta de personas tratando de entrar a su propiedad para examinar su agua. C & P Clearwater no está afiliado con el departamento del agua de la ciudad. Si tiene dudas acerca de la calidad de su agua, llamenos al 414-286-2585 para agendar  una cita.

Milwaukee Water Works conducts water sampling daily at public facilities across the City of Milwaukee. We also conduct water sampling at properties where there is a lead service line replacement (LSLR), and we collect samples as part of compliance with federal Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) standards. In rare instances, we will collect samples if their is a water quality incident of concern. If a property owner has a concern about their water quality and would like us to test their water, we we will schedule an appointment with you at your request. Call our water quality lab at 414-286-2585 to report concerns and schedule an appointment. Below is our protocal for these scenarios: 

1.    LSLR testing – we do NOT enter the home. We drop off and pick up a kit from the porch after scheduling it over the phone.
2.    LCR testing – we do NOT enter the home. We drop off and pick up a kit from the porch after scheduling it over the phone.
3.    Customer complaint testing – we DO enter the home to collect/test samples based on certain types of complaints after scheduling it over the phone.
4.    Investigative sampling – we DO enter the home to collect/test samples in response to a rare event. If we are able to call ahead, we will, but if we don’t have a phone number we may need to rarely go door-to-door to find a customer in a very particular area who is willing to let us sample. This could be in response to a positive coliform sample or an unexpected potential contamination event in the distribution system.

City of Milwaukee employees will always have a badge and should show the badge if asked. 

Milwaukee's drinking water meets all US Environmental Protection Agency and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) regulations for water quality. Read more here 

You can also have your water tested by one of these laboratories certified by the DNR

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