2500 W Layton Medical Building is a medical office building that houses dozens of independent practices, offering a strategic synergy of medical services to Milwaukee’s south side. Medical practices utilizing the building space include vascular and wound care services, comprehensive imaging, opthalmology, optometry, podiatry, cardiology, GI, rheumotology, primary care, laboratory services, pharmacy, and physical therapy.
2500 W Layton took the Better Buildings Challenge pledge and received a free energy assessment in 2016 while researching improvement projects. As a result of the assessment, the building discovered and plans to address inefficiencies within select building systems and has jumpstarted ongoing efforts to reduce energy use and operating expenses.
As a company, we feel very strongly about the importance of benchmarking and at 2500 W Layton, we have seen many benefits of Better Buildings Challenge program participation. Not only were we made aware of system inefficiencies, but we've also seen intangible differences, such as increases in tenant satisfaction, since the upgrades were completed. Terry Gallant, Real Estate Manager, CBRE Inc as agent of FEAP of Milwaukee, LLC
2500 W Layton has been utilizing ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager® since 2009. Over time, 2500 W Layton has seen a steady decrease in energy use, with a slight increase in 2012 that likely correlates with historically high occupancy.
As a result of a renovation that wrapped up March 2017, tenants on the lower floor of the building now utilize Hyperbaric chambers, vascular center, wound care center, and a full imaging suite including a 3.1T MRI machine. The building expects to see energy use increase as a result and looks forward to working with the Better Buildings Challenge to assist with benchmarking future use appropriately.
Plug Loads & Controls
Building Envelope
Appliances & Equipment
On-Site Generation
As part of ongoing efficiency upgrades planned, 2500 W Layton has budgeted for restroom improvements in 2018.
2500 Layton Medical Building completed an operational assessment through the Better Building’s Challenge partnership with Rivion. The goal of the assessment was to evaluate current tenant spaces and to prepare a capital plan that compliments specific building requirements as leases expire and space becomes available. These include among other items VAV’s, controls and lightening. The plan is in place which now provides ownership with the necessary information to make informed leasing decisions. The plan includes information on the costs, savings and efficiencies of the various improvements which is vital to structuring a financially viable lease deal while maximizing building efficiency.
Address 2500 W Layton Ave, Milwaukee, 53221
Year Built 1987
Size 41,908 sq ft
Building Type Medical Office
Owner FEAP of Milwaukee, LLP
Joined Pledge 2016
Goals: 20% reduction in Energy Use Intensity by 2026
Baseline 2009
Program Participation
Project Types
Project Highlight: LED Lighting
Since 2016, all lighting in the common areas of the 2500 W Layton Medical Building have been converted to LEDs. The previous recessed spotlight fixtures were dim and inefficient and as a result of the recent upgrade, tenants' satisfaction has greatly improved and management has received much positive feedback regarding the brighter spaces. 2500 W Layton has applied for Focus on Energy incentives for their LED lighting project and, upon approval, will receive $1,280.
Building Contact
Terry Gallant Real Estate Manager FEAP of Milwaukee, LLP [email protected] (262) 309-5861
Why Participate?
2500 W Layton initially pursued Better Buildings Challenge participation for financial reasons, but ultimately took the pledge as an act of environmental stewardship and for assistance with energy reduction.