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Department of Public Works
The City of Milwaukee, under contract with a private contractor, will be replacing the street lighting circuit in parts of Aldermanic Districts 14 and 13. This work consists of lighting circuit replacement, LED lighting fixture installation, cable installation and some pole replacement. This project is funded through the American Rescue Plan Act.
Click to enlarge map
The work will last approximately seven months and will begin in mid-March 2024. Weather permitting, the work will be completed by the end of September 2024.
The first phase of the job includes conduit boring in the terrace area and pull box installation.
After the conduit and pull box installation is completed, the contractor will install new underground lighting wire, replace/relocate poles, and install new energy efficient LED fixture. During this time, parking space and traffic flow will be reduced within the work area. "No Parking" signs will be posted to allow contractor to gain sufficient access for the construction equipment. Vehicles parked in violation of posted temporary no parking or time restriction signs may be ticketed and/or towed.
The contractor will restore the disturbed area in kind after their work is complete. For concrete restoration, allow seven days to cure after the last portion of concrete is constructed. For grass terrace area, the contractor will replace the disturbed area with sod. After the initial rolling and watering, continued maintenance of the new sod/seed is the responsibility of the property owner.
Temporary "No Parking" signs will be posted from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Signs will be posted within the active work zone.
For persons with disabilities needing accommodations, please call 414-286-2497.
If you have additional questions about parking, please contact the parking information desk at 414-286-8300.
If you have questions regarding this work, please contact the City Inspector on the job site at 414-708-6948.
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