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Keep Your Children Safe From Predators

As the 'trusted adult' in your child's life you can continue working with them on the following areas.

  • Your child needs to know that he/she is so special and important to you that you want no one to hurt him/her.
  • Your child should never be forced to kiss or accept touches from anyone.
  • Your child should know the correct terms for his/her body part and consider them 'the private zone'.
  • A family 'code word' can give you and your child confidence and keep him/ her safe. Tell your child that he/she is not to give out family code word.
  • Teach your child that 'bad touches' are problems grown-ups will take care of and that they should tell a 'trusted adult' should anyone try to harm them.
  • Design role plays using situations that might be tempting or confusing to help him/her decide the best protective action. (example-puppy in park) (example-touching private parts by anyone).
  • Molestation (a violent crime upon a child) is almost never one of violence but one of coercion. Teach your child to say "NO" or "STOP ". It empowers him/her to assert his/her boundaries and can protect them.
  • Your child should learn his/her address and phone number. (Don't forget about area codes.)
  • Teach you child to say "BACK OFF - STRANGER". That will alert others in the area that the person bothering your child is not known to him/her.
  • Monitor your child's computer use. Make sure the areas they are going into are safe for children. If they use chat programs learn whom they are communicating with.

These tips and additional health and safety information can be found at http://www.healthyplace.com/

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