When is a stormwater management plan (SWMP) required? |
A SWMP is required under any of the following scenarios: (1) Development or redevelopment activities cause a land disturbing activity of 1 acre or more. (2) Development or redevelopment activities cause the cumulative area of all land disturbing activites at a property to be 1 acre or more over a 3-year period. (3) Development or redevelopment activities cause an increase of 0.5 acres or more of impervious area. |

What constitutes a SWMP? |
A SWMP normally contains the following items: (1) A completed SWMP application form and supporting documentation (blank application form is available for download on this website). (2) Scaled plans showing the existing and proposed conditions at the property. (3) Hydrologic and hydraulic calculations for the existing and proposed conditions at the property. (4) Completed forms documenting an inspection for illicit discharges and illegal connections to storm sewers from the property (blank inspection form is available for download on this website). (5) Detailed plans and supporting calculations for the structural best management practices being proposed at the property to meet requirements for storm water quantity and quality management. (6) A letter from the property owner providing a financial guarantee that the best management practices described in the SWMP form will be maintained. (7) A separate instrument of financial guarantee (normally a bond) ensuring that any structural best management practices will be constructed as detailed in the SWMP. |

Who can prepare a SWMP? |
In accordance with Part 120-9-1 of the City's Code of Ordinances, a professional engineer (PE) must prepare, stamp, and sign the SWMP. State-licensed architects may not prepare the SWMP unless they also hold PE licenses. |

What requirements for stormwater quantity management must be addressed through the SWMP? |
There are two scenarios for stormwater quantity management in the SWMP: (1) Development or redevelopment that increases the amount of impervious area by 0.5 acre or more must adhere to the requirements in Chapter 13 of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) Rules. Normally this limits the discharge from the development to 0.15 cubic feet per second (cfs) per acre for the 2-year storm event and 0.5 cfs per acre for the 100-year storm event. (2) Development or redevelopment that requires an SWMP and does not increase impervious area by more than 0.5 acre but results in a disturbance of one acre or more, must limit the post-development peak runoff rates to at least 10% less than pre-development peak runoff rates for the 2-year and 100-year storm events. |

What requirements for stormwater quality management must be addressed through the SWMP? |
A SWMP must address the following stormwater quality requirements: (1) Removal of total suspended solids in storm water from the development in accordance with Part 120-7-6 of the City's Code of Ordinances. (2) General housekeeping and pollution prevention measures such as parking lot sweeping, scheduled litter clean up, covered waste bins, and employee/resident training on stormwater issues. (3) Industry-specific pollution prevention measures necessary to minimize stormwater pollution at the property. |

To whom should a SWMP be submitted? |
The SWMP is to be submitted to the following address: Mr. Kurt Sprangers, PE; Engineer in Charge; City of Milwaukee; 841 North Broadway, Room 820; Milwaukee, WI 53202 |

Is there a fee associated with the submittal of a SWMP and where is the fee paid? |
A $100 SWMP review fee must be paid in the City's Development Center, 809 North Broadway, 1st Floor. The Department of City Development plan examiner assigned to the development project will require and accept the fee prior to the issuance of building and plumbing permits. |

Can a SWMP be a substitute for a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) as required by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) and vice versa? |
No, having a SWMP approved by the City Engineer does not relieve the owner of a development or existing industrial facility from submitting a Notice of Intent (NOI) and related SWPPP to the WDNR. Conversely, having a SWPPP approved by the WDNR does not relieve the owner of a development from submitting a SWMP to the City. However, there are normally some common components of a SWMP and a SWPPP that can be used to satisfy both WDNR and City requirements. WDNR requirements for storm water management are contained in Chapters NR151 and NR 216 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code and are summarized on the WDNR website. |

Is construction erosion control part of a SWMP? |
No, the SWMP covers post-construction storm water management only. A separate erosion control plan, permit, fee, and bond is required through the Department of City Development (DCD) and will be addressed by the DCD plan examiner assigned to the development project. |

How long is an SWMP approval valid? |
A SWMP revision must be submitted to the City when there are significant changes at a property that are not covered by a previously approved SWMP. To determine if a change is significant, the owner should contact Mr. Kurt Sprangers, at 414-286-0515. In addition, a registered professional engineer must prepare a recertification submittal for the SWMP every five years. The purpose of the recertification is to document that the best management practices prescribed in the SWMP are being maintained and that any changes to the property have been addressed by approved revisions to the SWMP. The form that must be completed to perform a recertification is available for download on this website. There are no City fees associated with a SWMP recertification, however, an instrument of financial guarantee is required to ensure maintenance of any best management practices. |
